eLMS - Library Management System

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Essential – eLMS

Borrowing book or resources is very common in school or company; therefore, resources man-agement has become a key in operation.

Without a proper system for resources management, most of the resources managers can only record the borrows of resources by paperwork, which leads to as risk of miss tracking the bor-rows of resources.

However, Essential Library Management System can simplify the process for you and allows you to have a systematic resources management. It allows you to have a full tracking on the bor-rowed resources, including the date of borrow and return, the name of resources and the fine for late return.

Besides, you can input any resources categories into the system, such as tablet, notebook, print-er, magazine, stationary, book and contract. It provides you the most effective and efficient way to manage the resources, so as to lower the workload of resources manager and saving time for the borrowing process.

The complete library management system features include:

eLMS Library Management System Functions (Management Interface)

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System Login

  • Administrator can change the language
  • Switching English and Chinese on the login page

Resources Management

  • Quick add of new resources
  • Inputting any resources categories into the system, such as tablet, notebook, printer, magazine, stationary, book and contract.
  • Adding search key to the object for search-ing
  • Permission for borrow can be granted to certain groups of people, exclusive resources can only be borrowed by those people with permission.
  • Setting the duration of borrow to facilitate the management
  • Providing borrow status of all resources
  • Manual editing the barcode for borrowing or auto-generating the barcode by system
  • Allowing you to change the amounts of re-sources

Import and Export

  • Importing or exporting data in Excel for-mat
  • Allowing you to back up the data from database for system recovery

Resource Barcode Printing

  • The barcodes can be used immediate-ly after printing
  • The system can recognize the printed barcodes and allows users to manage the resources effectively
  • Allowing you to remove the name of resources on the printing barcodes
  • Barcode size could be adjusted
  • Support QR code (New function) – users can scan the QR code to find the information of resources

Readers Data Management

  • Adding account for reader and adjust the authority of account to facilitate the management process
  • Allowing you to read all member’s information and their borrowing status

Membership Levels Settings

  • Setting the authority of member to facilitate the management process

Membership Authorities Settings *

  • Allowing you to set the quota of borrow, duration of borrow, quota of renewal, number of reserva-tion and fine
  • Amounts of Borrowed Resources: members with higher priority and authority can borrow more resources
  • Duration: members with higher priority and au-thority can have a longer duration
  • Numbers of Reservation: Users with higher priority and authority can make more reser-vation of resources
  • Allowing you to separate the borrowable and non-borrowable resources
  • Allowing you to set the authority thresholds for some exclusive resources

Fine Records

  • The fined date, the amount of debt, employee’s name and email will be shown on system
  • Convenient for administrator to calcu-late and collect fines

Membership Barcodes and Cards Printing

  • Creating and printing barcodes for member to make member card

Resources’ Borrow and Rental Management

  • Listing the status of members and the number of reservations made by mem-bers

On-shelves and Borrowed

  • Showing whether the resources are on-shelves or borrowed

Resources Reservation

  • Listing all the reservations
  • Allowing administrator to approve the reservations

Renewal of Borrow

  • Renewing borrow for members
  • Showing the quota and ceiling of renewal


  • Scrapped resources will be recorded in the system for reference

Loan Records and Track of Overdue

  • Checking the loan history, including the date of return, the date of borrow and membership ID number
  • Search for all overdue borrows

Resources Inquiries

  • Creating call number or class number to classify resources

Reports Analysis

  • Allowing you to analyze the data and gener-ate reports for it, such as the cumulative num-ber of borrows, the number of borrows in nine-ty days and the number of borrows within a year
  • Allowing you to count the number of available resources
  • Allowing you to conduct an analysis on the condition of resources

Change of Systems Languages and Contents

  • Adding new system language
  • Modifying the system language
  • Allowing you to manage different resources apart from books
  • Tailor-made system for each user

Email Notification of Borrowing record/ Reservation/ Return reminder/ Overdue

  • Setting your own e-mail notification to remind members to return books or notify them about borrow overdue and reservation
  • Setting system automatic email to replace manual emailing
  • Consistent email format
Self – service authority setting
  • Granting self-service authority for certain groups of people and allowing them to have self-service on the system.
Resources Condition Management
  • Tracking the condition of resources
  • Generating report to specify the condition of resources
  • To impose a fine for any damage
Stock taking
  • Checking the inventory
  • Inputting barcode for checking
  • Exporting inventory report

eLMS Library Management System Functions (Online Interface)* 

Systems Personalization

  • Allowing you to setup personalized features, including interface customization and company logo inserting.

Readers Login System Language

  • Members can switch the language on Login page

Online Books Inquiries

  • Members can search for the information of books or resources
  • System provides some recommendations of books for member to find popular books

Online Readers’ Borrow Records  

  • Checking for the outstanding quota
  • Checking for the borrowed items
  • Checking for the date of borrow and return

Online Renewal

  • Renewing borrow online
  • Checking for the number and quota of renew-al

Online Reservation and Cancel Reservation

  • Reserve resources online
  • Checking for the number of online reservation
  • Cancelling the online reservation

Readers Favorite Reservation Waiting List

  • Checking for the queue and estimated wait-ing time of reservation
  • Ranking your reservation by preference to give the reservation of your favorite book priority

Estimation of waiting time for reservation

  • Showing the number of reservation
  • Estimating the waiting time

Online Notices and Calendar

  • Showing the calendar of library, including the rest and holiday
  • Having online notice to notify members

10. Online Statistics

  • Counting on the popularity of resources

11. Online Penalty Records

  • Allowing you to check the penalty records, including the fine and the date of imposure 

12. Email Notification

  • Notification of successful reservation
  • Return reminder
  • Notification of overdue

* Features are only available for professional version